Posts tagged gluten free blog
Review: Simple Mills Organic Frosting (Gluten + Dairy Free)

Wow. Wedding season has gotten the best of me, but in the midst of editing photos and photoshopping pimples, I had to dust off the blog for a second to bring you a very important newsflash! OH EM GEE. First, let me spend a quick moment feeling sorry for myself and all those who struggle with food allergies. It's not only inconvenient but it's depressing at times - especially at social gatherings and holidays. OK, I think you feel bad enough that I can go on with the review now. 

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How To Pack An Amazeballs Gluten Free Picnic: No Weaved Basket Required

There's nothing worse than seeing a charcuterie board when you can no longer consume gluten or dairy. Picnics and charcuterie boards are like besties, and it's annoying. So let's solve this dilemma once and for all and show you how to have a fabulously tasty, dairy free, gluten free picnic. Because I did, using some of my favorite items (all linked below). And actually, it works out better if you have dairy free stuff considering the spoilage factor. So boom.

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Best Organic Deals At Costco

Oh organic food. You are such a tricky dichotomy. I need to buy you if I want to be healthy, yet if I buy you - my water might get shut off. And my lights. Eating healthy can mean a bit of a higher grocery bill, unfortunately. So what's a crunchy gal to do.... get a Costco membership. That's what.

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Gluten Free Eating Chicago: Lyfe Kitchen Review

Lyfe Kitchen. Maybe you've heard of it. Maybe you haven't. Either way, I'm going to talk about it because it was one of the first healthy restaurants on my Chicago To Eat list. Self described as a "flexitarian" restaurant, catering to a variety of diets and allergy restrictions, you would have to be absolutely ridiculous if you couldn't find something to eat there.

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Welcome to Celery and the City!

Does anyone even like celery? Anyone?  I'm super bad at thinking of names for things. My previous twenty-something blog was titled Blunt Delivery. Over the years, the bombardment of inquiries asking if I was a drug delivery service revealed to me that perhaps it wasn't as crystal clear to others as it was in my mind.  A deliverer of bluntness, not blunts, people. #namefail

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