Posts in dental
Cool Story Bro, But How Fast Can You Sedate Me: My Tooth Extraction Tale

Now if the girl in the surgeon's office, who talked to me the day before wasn't a complete idiot, I wouldn't have any traumatic memories to recollect for you right now. So I guess, in a way, this blog is dedicated to her.

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Tooth Extraction: Proper Procedures And Homeopathic Remedies After Surgery

Regardless of the reason you're having a tooth extracted, it needs to be done properly. If you're having it done to get rid of a bad root canal, then you REALLY want to make sure it's done right or you could end up in a bigger mess than you started with.

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The Bad Side Of Root Canals: Making An Informed Decision

It's almost like dentists are dying to do root canals. They are dying to keep a dying tooth in your mouth. Just wanted to see how many times I could slip dying in that intro. There's literally a sign hanging up in my Endodontist office that has a list of symptoms for self diagnosis and tells you: ask for a root canal today!

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