How To Prevent Sickness When Traveling Using Natural Remedies

I have gotten A LOT of questions about how to stay healthy when traveling and flying. It's not just the dirty, germy airplane air that makes us sick, it's also the added stress of travel, which dampens immunity. On top of that - most people don't eat well on vacation (and they're drinking) so all this just creates a perfect environment for viruses to take over. 

I used to get sick every. single. time. I got on a plane.  I am obsessed with travel, but it kinda takes the fun out of it when you're miserable. It also takes the fun out of it when you're convinced you'll end up plummeting to the earth in a fiery metal box, but that's a personal problem we don't have time to discuss. 

I'm happy to report the last few times I've flown, I've not gotten sick. Even last week when I went to San Diego, where they apparently have a FLU EPIDEMIC and people are actually dying. So today, I'm sharing my tips and tricks that will hopefully help you to avoid getting sick when you travel. {If you have an autoimmune disease, you'll need to consult your Dr. as many of these things stimulate the immune system}

Before you get started, get your life right and order this magnetic pill organizer!! Lifechanging. No more mounds of baggies and little pill boxes THANK YOU.


Note: you don’t have to implement everything, but as many as possible will help!

A Week Before You Travel - Boost Immunity 

1. Take Vitamin C or Oxylent immunity powder every day. To seriously boost immunity, I love this liposomal Vitamin C. Otherwise, you can use a broad spectrum immunity powder (just add to water) — I've been using this one by Oxylent for a long time because of its clean ingredients. 

2. Take zinc lozenges or liquid spray daily. I like these natural zinc + elderberry lozenges from Zand and this super bioavailable zinc spray from Therazinc — use this several times a day the minute you feel under the weather but also as maintenance.

3. Elderberry syrup. I use this highly concentrated elderberry syrup from Vitacost - 1 tsp daily in some water or a smoothie.

4. Take care of your adrenals. I love this liquid adrenal formula from Dr. Wilson - it's full of adaptogenic herbs to help your body deal with stress before and during travel. 

5. Get a B12 shot. You can pretty much walk into any lab or wellness clinic and get one. This is intramuscular and will get into your blood quickly. Double check if it's methylcobalamin if you have methylation issues. THIS REALLY HELPS immunity! For supplementation, I love this liquid B12 with both methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin.

6. Rest. First, if you have trouble sleeping in general, I wrote a whole post on insomnia here. Try an epsom salt bath before bed - they also aid in detox. Be sure to get UNSCENTED and I get the big bags from Target or Walmart for the best deal.

My faves for anxiety/sleep are: this Sleep Juice, Drinking Traditional Medicinals Nighty Night tea, or Natural Calm. Lemon Balm tincture is great for general anxiety daily and calms the whole nervous system. Great for pre-flight nerves!

7. Probiotic. Probably the one I get the most positive feedback across the board is about the Organic Olivia advanced probiotic. It’s great for increasing regularity and aiding in detox.

8. Oregano oil capsules. Oregano oil is a natural antibiotic. I have taken this for years, every time I get sick, and it works like a charm. It kills off any pathogens that might enter the system  -- it's a great idea to take 1 a day leading up to the trip, then continue during the trip WITH FOOD! Another option would be Sovereign Silver drops — great for boosting immunity and killing pathogens!

9. Propolis Spray —great for boosting immunity, aiding sore throats or infections!

10. Proteolytic Enzymes. MY FAVORITE thing— Enzymedica Enzyme Defense proteolytic enzymes. These act as an AID to the immune system. They don't boost it (so it's okay for autoimmune people) they simply act as a scavenger to deal with proteins that don't belong in the bloodstream—whether it be from food, viruses, bacteria, etc. 

What To Pack

You need to bring a little holistic medicine cabinet to combat any issues you might encounter. I take the following:

The Day Of Your Flight

1. Green juice. I like to juice up ALL the produce in my fridge, since it's going to go bad anyway. Greens, citrus - these will all boost immunity, prevent dehydration, and give you lots of extra nutrients. Drink it on the way to the airport. If you don't have a juicer, buy a cold pressed one ahead of time.

2. Pack up all the above items in clear ziplock and put in your carry on so they're handy. Spray your Jet Lag spray as directed on bottle.

3. Buy a water after security and pour an immunity pack into it, drink it on the plane. Also take a zinc lozenge. Zinc + C are a killer combo. 

4. Wipe down your armrests and plane seat with sanitization wipes (lysol or chlorox) - so IMPORTANT, they never clean this stuff!

5. As soon as you get off your flight, go wash your hands and spray the XLEAR nasal spray to clear out any pathogens in your nose.

6. Once you get to your hotel, remove all clothes you wore traveling and bag them up - so many GERMS. Wipe down the light switches, door knobs, toilet, and remotes in your room as well.

7. CONTINUE daily with vitamin C/immunity powder, zinc, nasal spray, oregano oil, and propolis to keep immunity up. 

8. Avoid raw foods as much as possible as you have a higher chance of food born illness from raw foods.

For Motion Sickness

If you get motion sickness in the car, like me, these Hylands Motion Sickness pills are great. I also love The Ginger People chewable rescue tablets for any sort of digestive issue or nausea. Gin Gins ginger candy are also great to have on hand!

What did I leave out? What are your tips??? Share them below so we can check them out!

Wondering who's the mysterious wordy genius behind these posts? Follow this little rabbit trail to read more About Me! The use of the term genius is open to interpretation. Like just about everything else on this site.